No game on India?

Development of the adventure discovery game… based on an actual site

The secret of KAVALEDURGA

Village in Karnataka

The village A village in India can look very different from any other, there are so many climates and regional variations that we became specific. And we had to, after all we are indulging into the Secret of Kavaledurga, a village in Karnataka! The malnad region of southern India (country side with rolling hills) that […]
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Interactive water

Water adds beauty to a scene, in whatever form it may be. A pond with lilies, a lake with reeds and lotuses, a stream, a river or even a ocean with beach with waves. When this water does more… like shows dynamic foam, has floating debris (leaves and twigs) ripples of rain drops and directional […]
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Waterfall (materials)

Waterfall is a tricky thing. It has various elements. Creating an anatomy helps to implement a convincing waterfall. But that needs to have some sense of how it works, and how well it fits the environment of the game. Anatomy of a waterfall Waterfall consists of the main waterbody, a surface that “falls” or moves […]
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It started in 2012

Actually 2010, when we chose the site of Kavaledurga, conceived the game story, and wrote its first chapter.

Having explored and documented several heritage and archaeological sites in India, experience with 3d modelling, and with a heart for games, it was natural to desire an adventure game with actual Indian environments, places and history.


It was 2012 when we learned about CRYENGINE and its free model, that later became pay-as-you-like. And CRY engine was THE engine for spectacular visuals. No other game engine else came near!

And that is when we started to create assets and learning CRY ENGINE, as a designer, not a developer. It was a one-man-army!

Simulating ambience

Gates of Kavaledurga

No game on India?

Tomb raider did have Indian jungles…

The early Tomb raider games, of the 90’s had Indian jungles, even tigers and Indian-type music with sitar! But these have been environments, not actual historical and spectacular sites.

And we wanted to re-create the actual, even base them on true stories…

So we went about choosing a hill-fort from Karnataka, in the western ghats. It has many hidden ruins, and several archaeological and regional facts, for us to create a story.

What and how are we doing it?

Source and asset creation

As architects with Idam Heritage we have substantial experience in heritage documentation. As architects we draw and create 3D models regularly, no surprise we are able to create game assets. But they begin in ProgeCAD then Blender and finally in the game engine.

Story and research

Documentation projects nudged us to know more about the places we documented. This led us to know more about regional histories and stories, and some of those are lesser known or forgotten. These become a ready source to build our story.

Modelling local artefacts

Recreating an actual location

Who are we?

Architects. Yes :)

We are architects in practice.


An architect by education and training, who has spent most of years in 3D. He is the one-man-army of game development. He spent years learning and creating the game in CRYENGINE, and recently migrated to UNREAL ENGINE, now slowly joined by Nikhil in the effort.


A practicing architect who works more as a consultant for museums, actively participating in Museum education and conferences. He also runs a UX design consultancy offering app design consultation, especially for emerging tech and new startups.

Where are we based?

We are based in Bengaluru (Bangalore), while in this COVID era we are now wfh! Devesh works out of Delhi while Nikhil works from Bangalore, where our main studio is.

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