Creating Indian rural wilderness environment | 1

Creating Indian rural wilderness environment | 1

We have been trying to get the visual feel of rural India. Not a village or field, that is for another post. The idea was to create a procedural landscape that gives a feel of the untouched pockets of wilderness around rural India. These are not crop fields or village, nor are they thick jungles. Indian geography has several types of landscapes, coasts, tropical jungles, deserts, arid jungles, and ofcourse the Himalayas!

We are only creating a typical country side wilderness, not a jungle, just something with few trees and bushes. It is the plant types, their density and distribution that we were trying to create – all procedurally. Still more to do, refine and add more vegetation type, even modify the freshness of green to something a bit lighter or desaturated.

Do you think we are achieving or going in the direction of what we are after?

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