Magic of decals | explorations

Magic of decals | explorations

Decals are exciting. Their magic is in how 3D they look and behave! This tech helps to add details with ease and small overhead on processing. If used incorrectly, they can add to performance, like if overdone or not stacked properly.

What are Decals?

Decals, are 2D objects that is they are flat objects and are therefore by definition light to process. With tech that uses convincing fake 3d they provide artists to add textures and details that interact with light – produce shadows and even have depth!

Concrete and pothole decals

We share here some of our decals explorations. The puddle is especially detailed, the exposed tor-steel bars are equally detailed. Both of these behave 3D – have depth, or at least show it! The water and even the cracks in concrete are decals.

the puddle, dry puddle and cracks
the crack – needs lower contrast and/or finer detail
the wet puddle in the pothole is very detailed and convincing – implemented as a 2d object
the exposed steel bars are not actually there!

Hope you enjoyed this short post!

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