Village in Karnataka

Village in Karnataka

The village

A village in India can look very different from any other, there are so many climates and regional variations that we became specific. And we had to, after all we are indulging into the Secret of Kavaledurga, a village in Karnataka! The malnad region of southern India (country side with rolling hills) that spans Karnataka and Kerala, has a beautiful climate with verdant green hills, paddy fields and scattered settlements. We collected references and photographed several houses from villages of Karnataka. Along with ground and foliage, we should be able to create a good feel of a village in Karnataka.

Karnataka village

We used images of Karnataka villages, collected over years from our travels, including of Kavaledurga itself. The village itself is small and like most villages is linear with a central road that passes or cuts the village. We also used other image references to model the houses. This is first assembly of the village. Finally the layout would be different, the village with more details will definitely look different. And to not give spoilers, we will not share them :)

But for now, you can enjoy and comment on these experiments.

Morning scenes

morning at Kavaledurga
early morning light

Getting close

foliage groups near corners

The backyards

backyard of houses
village artefacts and ground

The outskirts

village outskirts
village outskirts

A field

the fields and the hills

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